Hello everyone! Hope you all are Staying Safe! Few of my readers had suggested that I should write something about the current phase of the world. I cannot express how heart wrenching it is to see such condition of the people around the globe. I have still tried to express myself using these words. CURRENT SITUATION What shall I write about this situation, One which has affected the whole world; not just a nation. Shall I write about fear in people's mind, Or shall we discuss the souls that have been kind. Shall I write about this quarantine phase, Or shall I talk about the helplessness on people's face. Here our eyes; now have more time to dream, There are people who out of hunger; cannot even scream. Here we are; playing nostalgic games with our family, And there are Doctors who don't even get to see their family. Here are people who are tired of being at home, And then there are people walking miles; just to reach their home. Let's...