Hello to my readers!! Today I'm not going to share here any of my poems. For a change; I am going to share here my views on a topic which has been bothering me since a long time. Yesterday; I came across a quote which evoked this feeling of writing about it in details. The quote read, "You Don't Need To Sacrifice Your PRINCIPLES To Be A Part of 21st Century". Yes; this stands true for all of us. There is such a long list of things we do to fit in our environment. Some which are necessary n some which people around call "necessary". The only difference between the two is that the former will make you feel confident about yourself n the later will make you feel guilty. May be not today but at later stages of life. Now the argument for my statement that would come up in everyone's mind is, "Whatever I am doing is the call of time. If I have to stay in this environment; I have to become like others. Do what they are doing. It's called modern...